Saturday, December 27, 2008
Since Finn and his skirt was rather a hit around Halloween, thought I’d bring him and Jeff back for the December holidays. Besides, he showed me his new costume and I couldn’t resist.
Story is quite X-rated.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
It's titled "Do Not Open Until Christms"
Caption: She'd given him a lot of toys as presents, but wouldn't let him play with himself until Christmas day.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Saturday, November 29, 2008
My FWF ficlet went up today. Not terribly in depth, but I think it’s cute
Sunday, November 09, 2008
We just finished Halloween but we’re about to do it again. Join us on Fiction with Friction for a week of fiction and excerpts for the American Thanksgiving. November 23rd through 29th. Mine gets to end the week this time, on the 29th.
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Due to be released late 2008 from MLR Press
From early morning wake-ups to prepared dinners, Steven can’t help taking care of – and falling for – his young, inexperienced neighbor. When the tables are turned, can Steven trust that Devon truly knows what he wants?
Unedited excerpt ©2008 Jet Mykles, all rights reserved
The spoon in Steven’s hand slipped from his fingers, clattering to the table and spattering alfredo sauce. “What the …?”
“Watch it.” Patty stood, hands out to steady the pot in his hands.
Setting the pot down, he dropped the potholder beside it and rushed to the front door toward the sound, trusting Patty to clean up the small mess behind him.
Opening the door, he nearly stumbled over a basketball that came rolling into his apartment. Instinctively picking it up, he stuck his head out into the hallway to see where it had come from. To his left, the staircase leading up to the four studio apartments on the floor above his was strewn with personal effects, including a photo album that had spilled dozens of loose photographs over the worn cement slats. At the bottom of the stairs, a man with short, dark hair, dressed in a blue t-shirt and knee-length cut-off shorts, knelt over what looked to be a shattered glass object, muttering as he carefully picked up pieces.
“Hey.” Steven stepped into the hall, tucking the basketball underneath his arm. “You need help with that?”
The man looked up, and Steven was stunned to behold the face of an angel. Okay, maybe not an angel, but a damned beautiful male specimen, just the same. The hair was deep chestnut, cut short around his ears, mostly straight and glossy but with a little bit of a curl at the ends. A stray curl of said hair brushed dark, heavy brows that shielded the biggest, most amazing brown eyes Steven had ever seen, ringed with ridiculously long black lashes. A scattering of faint freckles dotted a patrician nose with a tip that listed slightly to the left, both it and the cheekbones sloping down toward a generous, kissable mouth perched right atop a small brown poet’s beard. That mouth was currently dropped open in surprise. The eyes were almost as wide as the mouth, and two telltale tears tracked down smooth cheeks the color of dark butterscotch.
Caught looking, Steven couldn’t help but take another step forward.
His movement seemed to break the immobility of the younger man. Quickly, he shook his head. “Uh, no. Uh, thanks.” He turned to look down at the glass at his feet, quickly swiping a sleeve over his cheek. “No, I, uh … I’m fine. I just …” He gestured at the glass. “Broke … something.”
Glancing down, Steven saw the remains of what might once have been a very pretty glass sculpture. He caught the elegant curve of a horse’s neck and a larger hunk of perhaps a carriage. “I’m sorry.”
The young man shrugged. Although the hair hid his face, Steven heard a small sniff. “My fault. I didn’t pack it right.” He shrugged again.
Steven put two and two together. “Are you the new tenant?”
The chestnut hair swayed in a nod.
“Well, hey, welcome to the building. Can I help you with some boxes or something?”
“Oh, no, that’s … nice of you, but no. I’ll have it done in …” A panicked look at the spilled personal effects around him, then another shrug. “I’ll get it done.”
“No worries.” Steven stepped past him and righted the box that lay over a few of the bottom stairs. “Let’s just get this stuff back in here. I’ve got a dust pan we can use to clean up the glass.” He kept his tone brisk, guessing that the glass figure had meant something special to the young man and not wanting to make him uncomfortable by noticing. Carefully, he picked up the picture album, trying not to spill any more loose photographs.
“You don’t have to …”
Steven stopped, a photo in his hand of the young man with a comely young woman, and looked over his shoulder to face Patty, who stood in his doorway, arms crossed over her considerable bosom. “Oh, hey!” He ignored her pointed look and dropped the album and photo into the box. “Patty, you go ahead and eat. I’m going to help out …” He looked down at the man kneeling beside him. “What’s your name?”
The man looked at Patty, no doubt noticing her impatient look. “What? Oh, Devon. Uh, hey, you don’t have to –”
“Devon.” Gorgeous name. Suited him. Too bad many of the pictures Steven spied spilling from the album were of him with girls. Which meant he was almost definitely straight. Too bad. Steven smiled up at Patty. “I’m going to help Devon here move the last of his stuff up to his place. He’s our new neighbor.”
Predictably, she wasn’t impressed, although some of the pique melted from her face as she finally got a good, hard look at Devon. Patty was even more susceptible to the helpless puppy look than he was, and this kid had the look down pat with the mannerisms to match. “Don’t be silly. I’ll put it back on the stove and cover it. Then I’ll come out and help you.”
“Wait!” Devon climbed to his feet, hand out toward her, but she’d already turned back inside. He couldn’t know that mere words wouldn’t stop Patty.
Because Devon was looking the other way, Steven took a look at him standing tall. “Tall” being the operative word. Steven was a respectable five foot ten, but the boy overshot him by at least half a foot, putting Steven eye-level with the gently curved jaw and the soft scruff of beard at the tip of Devon’s chin. Resisting the urge to reach out and test the strength in the broad shoulders within that worn t-shirt, Steven turned and knelt to continue picking stuff off the stairs.
“Hey, wait.”
A hand on his arm made him pause, although he didn’t look up. Not good to ogle the new guy too much.
“You don’t have to do this. You were just about to eat, and your wife’s waiting for you.”
Steven had to grin. “No worries. She’s not my wife, and it’ll wait.” He dumped a few more things into the box. “Besides –” He picked up the box and finally looked back at Devon. “– this way you can join us. You eaten yet?”
Indecisiveness twisted that gorgeous mouth to the side. “Well, no …”
“I thought not. Let’s get your stuff upstairs, and I’ll welcome you to the building by feeding you. You’ve got to be hungry.”
“No. That’s nice of you but …” Despite Devon’s protests, his belly took that moment to growl its own opinion.
Steven smiled. Bracing the box underneath one arm, he reached out and finally took a squeeze of one of those arms. Very nice. Strong and firm, with good tone. “No protesting, my man. We’re neighbors now. You’ve got to give Patty and me a chance to get to know you.”
Maybe his smile did it. Steven didn’t know, but whatever he did, Devon finally smiled. Sweet Jesus, the boy had a gorgeous smile. Steven had to send urgent messages to his crotch to keep it from filling at the mere sight.
Devon nodded. “Okay. Thanks.”
Steven held out his hand for a shake. “Steven Connolly.”
Devon took it and gave it a good shake. “Devon Pavenic.”
Saturday, October 25, 2008
I've started off the Fiction with Friction Helluvaween ficlets. 'Tis X-rated, naughty me.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Del Fantasma: Unicorn is now available!
It takes a special kind of virgin to bind a unicorn.
Scott would never have dreamed he was pure of body, heart and soul, but then he had no cause to believe unicorns even existed until he reluctantly drove to Del Fantasma late one night to rescue his stranded brother, Bryan.
Jack may be a unicorn, but he’s he avoids virgins like the plague. The chance of meeting that special type of virgin is slim-to-none in bars like Del Fantasma and he delights in every opportunity to feed his own lusty appetites while he can. After all, a unicorn may be undeniably attracted to virgins but that doesn’t mean he has to be one himself.
Unfortunately for Jack’s plans, their bond is instantly formed when he meets Scott. Jack is now Scott’s to command. He just has to convince him what he is, something that sounds a lot easier than it is.
And Bryan? Well, it turns out that their meeting wasn’t entirely by chance. Bryan was instructed by a group of vampires to get the two together. Now that he has, can Jack and Scott discover the threat against them and save Bryan in time?
Read more about it on my website here
Monday, October 06, 2008
EXCERPT - Del Fantasma: Unicorn

Pairing: m/m
Buy link will be in this category soon
This is for the Del Fantasma line at AMP.
Also, check out a few choice images in this gallery for a peek at Jack and Scott
It takes a special kind of virgin to bind a unicorn.
Scott would never have dreamed he was pure of body, heart and soul, but then he had no cause to believe unicorns even existed until he reluctantly drove to Del Fantasma late one night to rescue his stranded brother, Bryan.
Jack may be a unicorn, but he’s he avoids virgins like the plague. The chances of meeting that special type of virgin is slim-to-none in bars like Del Fantasma and he delights in every opportunity to feed his own lusty appetites while he can. After all, a unicorn may be undeniably attracted to virgins but that doesn’t mean he has to be one himself.
Unfortunately for Jack’s plans, their bond is instantly formed when he meets Scott. Jack is now Scott’s to command. He just has to convince him what he is, something that sounds a lot easier than it is.
And Bryan? Well, it turns out that their meeting wasn’t entirely by chance. Bryan was instructed by a group of vampires to get the two together. Now that he has, can Jack and Scott discover the threat against them and save Bryan in time?
Unedited excerpt ©2008 Jet Mykles, all rights reserved
Scott took a deep, steadying breath and walked into the bar. It was really very, well, ordinary. He'd expected a dark smoky den of iniquity and was quite taken aback to find a nice but very normal looking bar. The moderate crowd that filled the tables and booths didn't look like denizens of the underworld or like shadowy creatures of the night. He'd expected a much more seedy bar for some reason. Allowing himself another breath, he stepped into the dimmed light.
Saturday, October 04, 2008
Heaven Sent prints
[singlepic=705,320,240,,] (continue reading &aquo;)
DIK (Desert Island Keepers)
Here's a link to my guest spot.
I would highly suggest looking around. Ally Blue, Laura Baumbach and JL Langley were guests the same week and there've been some other fabulous guests too. (continue reading &aquo;)
hey, I've been nominated
Thanks Night Owl! (continue reading &aquo;)
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Yaoicon report
Forgot my camera so I thank my good friends Jade, James and Luisa for allowing me to post a few pics of theirs on my site:
The very best single thing that happened all week happened in the first few minutes of Saturday after we'd opened the booth. Imagine my surprise to look up and see someone standing there dressed as one of MY characters!! It was too damn cool!
I met a lot of wonderful people. Thank you to those who came by to say hi, with an additional thank you to those who bought my books :D Much appreciated.
Loved seeing my author buddies again. It was a whirlwind week, though, so I didn't get to spend much time with them outside of the vendor room. But that's okay. We'll get together again soon.
OH! If you go look at the pictures, do pause to appreciate Tall, Dark and Yummy. He was SO very hot! (continue reading &aquo;)
Monday, September 29, 2008
FWF day at Literary Nymphs Yahoo Chat (continue reading &aquo;)
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Loose Ends Post - The elves are back to continue what I've started (continue reading &aquo;)
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Author of the Week (continue reading &aquo;)
Monday, September 15, 2008
Buy it at Loose Id
To Kinig, the dark elves represented everything wonderful and mysterious in the world. If he could become the expert about the elves, his bardic career would be set. It would be dangerous. The elves were known for their dislike of human males. But times had changed and his request to live among the elves for a time was granted, and Kinig was given into the care of Fallil, a bard among the elves.
Fallil didn’t expect to fall in love, but he did. What began as friendship grew into love, and abiding passion. But Fallil knew he had to let Kinig go fulfill his dreams if the two were ever to be truly happy.
Nine cycles of seasons later, Kinig has realized his dreams of fame and is known over two continents as Kinig of the Dark Elves, the one human who knows as much as the raedjour themselves. Now, his thoughts stray back to the man he loves and it is time to return to the Dark Forest.
It’s Kinig’s knowledge that brings him to the attention of a solitary mage who holds the last red elf in his thrall. The red elf, Nialdlye comes to care for Kinig and sees in his stories a possible solution for her own problems. Can the two together break free of the mage’s power and make their way back to Fallil?
Read an excerpt (continue reading &aquo;)
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
New cover!
You'll notice a change. Cover's not by me, by my request. Anne did such a lovely job on the print covers, I'm THRILLED to have her doing the ebook covers! She's going to do #6 as well as re-doing #1-4. I can't wait!
Don't have a buy link for the ebook yet but it's due out September 16th (continue reading &aquo;)
Sunday, September 07, 2008
If you've read the Heaven Sent books, then you're familiar with Gretchen Hobbes, their manager. Personally, I rather like Gretchen. I mean, she keeps those boys in line, she's got to be something, right? Well, I've got an idea for a romance for her. But since the series is yaoi...
So how about a poll (and this gives me a chance to play with a new widget too :D). It's open until the end of the month. FYI, it may or may not influence if I write the story or not. I'm just curious.
BTW, if you're not logged into the site, I don't know who you are or how you voted so no worries if you don't want me to know how you voted ;)
Feel free to leave a comment if you'd like to elaborate on your answer.
Friday, September 05, 2008
Monday, September 01, 2008
I'll be there, along with a lot of other m/m favorites. JL Langley, Laura Baumbach, Ally Blue, LM Prieto, Kimberly Gardner, Jade Buchanan & James Buchanan that I know of.
Yaoicon website (continue reading &aquo;)
Sunday, August 31, 2008
And, in case you wanted to get a better look at the pic, I've uploaded it into the gallery on my website
Saturday, August 30, 2008
FWF Labors of Love - Glory Boy 3
Posted what'll probably be the last ficlet about Eric and Bobby on Fiction with Friction today. (continue reading &aquo;)
Saturday, August 23, 2008 and have been mirrored for awhile with being the main site. I've now switched them around. For most of you, that won't make one whit of difference, but you may want to update your bookmarks.
The old gallery no longer works. I'm going to try some redirection, but basically it was getting full of spam and I couldn't handle it any longer. But the images are all still here and even easier to get to. Click the Images page above. It now has subpages to show the images in my WordPress software itself. Should be much easier for us all (I hope).
Any other changes should be minor but there probably are a few other things I did. If you see anything really amiss, let me know.
Read on if you're curious about detail on why I made the switch. If you're not interested in the technical stuff, stop here.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Fiction with Friction - Labors of Love shorts
My partners and I will be posting another week of shorts and excerpts on Fiction with Friction starting one week from today on August 26th. The theme is loosely Labor Day but who knows what we'll come up with.
My day will be Saturday, August 30th (continue reading &aquo;)
Monday, August 11, 2008
Now available - Snagged
Pairing: m/m
Buy it Loose Id
This is a re-release of the story that originally came out from another publisher. Same story, new cover, updated editing.
It's rather ironic, isn't it, that Kyle plans to steal the papers that will free him from the life of a thief? What's even more ironic, or maybe not ironic but downright annoying, is that they're already gone.
And now the papers are in the hands of the one man who has ever been able to put Kyle off his game. Seth, the absolutely gorgeous hunk of a man that Kyle can't figure out his attraction to. He's not gay. He's never wanted sex with a guy. But he can't stop looking at Seth.
To his surprise, Seth's real nice about the papers. He promises not to turn them, or Kyle over. He'll even give them to Kyle, if Kyle will just come home with him. Obviously Seth's up to something, but what?
Read an excerpt
Cover art by PL Nunn
Monday, August 04, 2008
2 new additions to Coming Soon
One for another anthology at MLR Press. This one's going to be called Bravo! Brava! with the common theme of m/m, cross-dressing and theatre. I've chosen a story about a hot college student and his hotter professor/director. Oh yeah, great fun.
The other will be my first release at Aspen Mountain Press. I'm going to write a story for their Del Fantasma line because that theme intrigues me. Mine will be called Unicorn. Yes, m/m. Yes, unicorn. If you recall a series of images I did awhile back in my gallery, those are the characters. Jacques, otherwise known as Jack, and Scott. (continue reading &aquo;)
Saturday, August 02, 2008
EXCERPT - Snagged
Buy link coming soon
This is a re-release of the story that originally came out from another publisher. Same story, new cover, new editing.
Rather ironic that Kyle’s set to steal the papers that will free him from the life of a thief. Unfortunately, he gets there only to find them gone! And it’s Seth who now has them. Tall, blond, beautiful, mysterious Seth, the only man Kyle has ever found remotely attractive and the only person in the world who can put Kyle off his game.
Seth’s awfully nice about the papers though. He even offers to give them to Kyle, if Kyle will come home with him.
Kyle does, only to find out that Seth is interested in far more than some silly papers.
©2008 Jet Mykles, all rights reserved
Moonlight streaming through the den's windows was all the light Kyle needed. His nimble fingers set the tumblers in motion, flicking the dial until the proper click sounded, then spinning the dial in the opposite direction. Then there was a chunk, and Kyle's fingers stopped. He grinned. Finally! He opened the safe door and shone his penlight inside and…
They weren't there! He reached inside, carefully lifting the few items within the safe, but there were no documents anywhere in the small compartment.
That was impossible! For a moment, he gaped in disbelief at the safe's interior. The papers had to be in there. He'd seen Quince put them there himself just this afternoon. Why would the boss take them back out? But they certainly weren't there, and the whole reason for this escapade was gone. Mind reeling in confusion, Kyle closed the safe and replaced the small framed photograph that hid it from view. Now what?
A hand clamped over his mouth as an arm snaked around his chest. Kyle froze in shock. His penlight dropped to the floor with a muffled thunk.
"What do you think you're doing here?" a voice demanded softly against his ear. The knitted cap he wore over his head heated from the breath.
He didn't struggle as a much bigger body hauled him back from the wall into the middle of the dark room. He could see the shadows of the furniture just fine and chanced a glance at the mirror over the bar to the right. He and his captor were silhouetted against the window. The man was a full head and shoulders taller than him. Short, straight hair gleamed bright blue in the moonlight.
Oh no! It wasn't…
"Stupid little shit." The low voice sounded more amused than upset as the bigger man set Kyle properly on his feet and spun him around.
Kyle looked up and couldn't help but gasp. Seth. There was no mistaking the older man's angular face and the almost sneering smile. The intense blue of his deep-set eyes was hidden in the shadows of his sharp brows. That white-blond hair shone an eerie blue in the moonlight, hanging loose and straight from the crown of his head to his chin and in unruly bangs over his eyes to the tip of his nose. For a brief moment, Kyle could only stare in awe at the perfection that was Seth, even in his anger.
"What do you think you're doing?"
Kyle flinched, tearing his eyes from Seth's beauty as his mind raced. He'd had stories ready for if he got caught, but none for someone catching him with his hand in the safe. Especially not Seth. The very presence of the man sent Kyle's thoughts into turmoil.
Seth bought Kyle a moment by reaching up with one long-fingered hand and snatching off the knit cap that covered his entire head. He blinked as his tousled, wavy brown hair fell in his eyes. He reached up to clear his vision, only to have the cap thrown in his face. He caught it mostly on instinct.
"Be glad it was me who caught you, stupid shit. What were you after? Or were you just practicing?"
"Yeah." Kyle anxiously latched on to the excuse given him. "Practicing."
"Wrong. And you're such a bad liar. How Quince thinks he can make a thief of you, I have no idea."
Seth's hand clamped over Kyle's mouth again. The scent of the clove cigarettes Seth smoked assailed Kyle's nostrils. He closed his eyes, head swimming as a simmering fire tickled his skin at Seth's touch. Not now! he willed his body. Why did he have to be caught by the one man, the one person, who always managed to keep him off his game?
Seth leaned in, almost as if he would kiss Kyle. "Do you want someone to hear? Shut up!"
He straightened, dropping his hand. Kyle hastily backed up against the bar, putting some distance between them. Like Kyle, Seth was dressed in all black. A long-sleeved T-shirt hugged every lean, muscular curve of his torso and arms, and blacker-than-black jeans encased those long legs. A pair of gloves was tucked in his waistband.
Seth gave him a nasty grin. Making eye contact with Kyle, he reached into his back pocket and brought out a slim envelope. He held it up between two elegant fingers. "Looking, perhaps, for this?"
Kyle's eyes went wide. He grabbed before he could think about it, but Seth nimbly snatched it out of his reach.
Desperate, Kyle dismissed any pride. The hand that had missed the envelope landed on Seth's chest. He dug his fingers into hard muscle, gathering shirt. "Please," he begged, meeting Seth's gaze. "I need those."
Seth's cruel grin faltered. Something…else flickered in those shadowed eyes before the grin was drawn back into place. "You beg so pretty, Kyle."
Kyle gritted his teeth, ignoring the warmth that surged through his blood at the comment. He thumped Seth's chest, still gripping shirt. "Seth, please. I'm desperate. You gotta help me."
"I gotta?"
"Please! Just give them to me. Those can't do anything for you."
Seth studied Kyle for a long moment. His mouth opened.
Footsteps sounded down the hall from the door. Both of them froze, heads snapping toward the entrance. (continue reading &aquo;)
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Miss my Toy?
If, by chance, the plugin's still not working, try this link:
The link is NOT worksafe (continue reading &aquo;)
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Testing 1-2-3
I've been blogging on my main website at for awhile now but I've now decided to mirror that here.
Hey to anyone who's found me here! **waves**