Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Interviews with Selena Illyria
The fabulous Selena Illyria interviewed me not once but twice on her website this month
Artistic Musings, about me and my artwork
Author of the Month, about me and my writing
ok, yeah, the two overlap a bit
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Sursein Judgment's got a cover
Just got it today. Isn't it gor-ge-OUS!? I love it!
Visit the site's main page for Sursein Judgment
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Dark Elves: Discovery now available in print
Dark Elves: Discovery is now available in print at Amazon
They'll get the cover soon, I'm sure.
Click here for the Dark Elves V: Discovery link on this site
Click here to read an excerpt
EXCERPT - Sursein Judgment
Pairing: m/m
Buy it soon from Loose Id
The woman, by the way, is Shas's sister.
The innocent have nothing to fear from Surseine...
Rynn made a mistake in taking the drug hextasy with his fiancé. It was supposed to be the ultimate sexual high, except that you have to sleep with the one you desire most. If you don't, your body won't be satisfied and you'll die. Rynn lived, Lynnette didn't, and now her parents want someone to pay.
But either luck or Surseine, the god of justice Himself, takes pity on Rynn by putting his trial in front of one of His judges. Sursei are graced by the god they represent with the power to see truth and Sursei Shasertai finds Rynn innocent of murder.
But the drug is still out there and Shasertai and the people who travel with him are determined to root out the drug lord responsible for its existence. Shas invites Rynn to join them. He goes willingly, fascinated by the judge who gave him a second chance at life.
Shas is drawn to the naive farm boy at every point in their journey but he's promised Rynn not to force him into anything.
It is his soothing innocence that draws Shas to him, but the delectable judge makes Rynn feel things that aren't so innocent.
**********************©2009 Jet Mykles, all rights reserved
The man's eyes narrowed, and then he shook his head and backed down. "You're a cheat, Shas."
The judge tossed his head with a laugh. Instantly, the tension in the room dissipated. "Again, I assure you, that is quite impossible."
The bodyguard led the other man toward an open doorway at the far end of the room, and finally the judge turned to face Rynn and the sheriff.
Purple eyes. That one detail jumped out at Rynn as the judge stepped toward them. It wasn't the eerie total color with no whites or pupils that he'd seen earlier in court. The judge's eyes were now quite normal-looking except for the vivid amethyst that Rynn had never seen on anyone else. They were like perfectly round gemstones set in red-veined white marble. The strange color, though, seemed to go with the judge's light complexion. Did all sursei have purple eyes, or was this one special?
Monday, March 09, 2009
Fiction with Friction - Spring Ficlets - Boys Gone Wild
Join us at Fiction with Friction for another week of fiction, this time with the idea of Spring Break in mind. See how the FWF authors depict “Boys Gone Wild”, Monday April 6th through Sunday April 12th.
Saturday, March 07, 2009
Birth of a Blog
Perhaps you know and perhaps you don't that I maintain my own website. OK, I don't do all the coding, I leave that to the WordPress team and the terrific people who make the freebie themes, but once it's installed, I'm the one who tweaks it for graphics and moves stuff around. I'm the one behind the scenes installing plugins and maintaining the links. I do a lot of that at Fiction with Friction too, as well as the League of Amazing Writers.
Recently, I added another blog to my webmistress list. And today I blogged there. Visit the MLR Press Authors blog to see.
Monday, March 02, 2009
New image - Wild Huntsman
Inspired by my good friend Willa Okati, who just started a Wild Hunt story and got my imagination going.
Perhaps a tad dark, and for that I'm sorry. But I think I'm going to try another image with this guy and will try and do better with the lighting. Note to self, think "moody" not "pitch black"
Sunday, March 01, 2009
There's a new author's blog in town
Today the MLR Press authors' blog went live. Only has the one real post up so far but authors have already signed up to post throughout the month. Should be exciting. Add it to your bookmarks.
BTW, I'm especially proud of it since I designed the site. Well, I took the basic graphic elements and tweaked a WP theme. *pats self on back anyway*