Not erotic but maybe kind of romantic if you look at it right. Just felt the mood to do a realistic "normal" type image.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
New Image - Late Night at the Office
(Original Blog Post:

Not erotic but maybe kind of romantic if you look at it right. Just felt the mood to do a realistic "normal" type image.
Not erotic but maybe kind of romantic if you look at it right. Just felt the mood to do a realistic "normal" type image.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Hot Comfort anthology now available
(Original Blog Post: |
Monday, September 14, 2009
Dark Elves I: Taken has a new cover
(Original Blog Post:
The cover gods continue to be good to me. Anne Cain is redoing the ebook covers for the first four Dark Elves books. Here's Dark Elves I: Taken:
The cover gods continue to be good to me. Anne Cain is redoing the ebook covers for the first four Dark Elves books. Here's Dark Elves I: Taken:
Friday, September 11, 2009
DE6 Now Has a Blurb
(Original Blog Post:
I've got the official blurb for Dark Elves VI: Awakening now:
As the first girl child born to the dark elves, Eryhaen is rhaejena—princess—and desired by all of the men around her. Born with magical gifts that challenge even the most experienced sorcerers among her people, she has the awe of her people and the devotion of her three best friends and lovers. Brevin, Lanthan and Tykir have been at her side their whole lives and each of the three young men would do anything for her and each other.
But Eryhaen needs more than untutored if eager lovers. She is out of control, and she knows it. Her magic is raw and wild, and she is not the only one who’s started to see her as a danger.
She needs help.
The only possibility is Radin, a legendary sorcerer, returned from the dead but magically unconscious for a quarter of a century. Dreams and undeniable instincts tell her that he’s the solution to her problems, if she can only wake him up.
Once she does, what then? He may be the answer to her problems, but is the legendary lover the man for her? Or is he meant for someone else?
I've got the official blurb for Dark Elves VI: Awakening now:
As the first girl child born to the dark elves, Eryhaen is rhaejena—princess—and desired by all of the men around her. Born with magical gifts that challenge even the most experienced sorcerers among her people, she has the awe of her people and the devotion of her three best friends and lovers. Brevin, Lanthan and Tykir have been at her side their whole lives and each of the three young men would do anything for her and each other.
But Eryhaen needs more than untutored if eager lovers. She is out of control, and she knows it. Her magic is raw and wild, and she is not the only one who’s started to see her as a danger.
She needs help.
The only possibility is Radin, a legendary sorcerer, returned from the dead but magically unconscious for a quarter of a century. Dreams and undeniable instincts tell her that he’s the solution to her problems, if she can only wake him up.
Once she does, what then? He may be the answer to her problems, but is the legendary lover the man for her? Or is he meant for someone else?
Monday, September 07, 2009
DE6 Excerpt Expanded
(Original Blog Post:
Just saw the excerpt Loose Id's going to post and it's the same scene but a tad longer than the one I chose. So I updated mine. Little bit more sex in this one.
Just saw the excerpt Loose Id's going to post and it's the same scene but a tad longer than the one I chose. So I updated mine. Little bit more sex in this one.
Sunday, September 06, 2009
EXCERPT - Just For You
(Original Blog Post:
Due to be released October 13 from Loose Id
Available soon from Loose Id
This story was one of those organic ones. I won't say it was super-easy, because it wasn't, but it was born out of a scene that popped into my head one day. The scene, in fact, that is depicted below.
It's one of my "gay for you" stories, I'll confess. What can I say? I like the dynamic.
BLURB (subject to change):
Justin falls for Kevin the instant they pass each other on a sidewalk. Only, Kevin’s not gay. The higher ups at Kevin’s company are gay, however, and Kevin’s accidental meeting with Justin gives him an idea how to get around his controlling female supervisor. If he can gain access to the top men at an exclusive gay club, he might be able to finally share his ideas.
Justin instantly agrees to be his date, despite the obvious heartbreak that’s headed his way for going out with a straight man. At the club, Kevin gets a chance to meet the company owner, Victor Chen, and the man seems interested… both in his ideas and his date.
Kevin can’t deny his attraction to Justin, but he’s not gay. Right? He should step aside and let Justin have a chance to date Victor, who’s gorgeous, rich, and shares Justin’s interest in fashion. Despite his internal struggles, he really wants to explore their growing bond. Justin is certainly game, but a part of him knows they can’t have a future together. Is there more to their instant attraction than either suspect?
Mostly edited excerpt, ©2009 Jet Mykles, all rights reserved
“… and then I…” Justin stopped dead in his tracks in the middle of the sidewalk, forcing two chatting women to split up to go around him. Ignoring their mild glares as they passed, he stared blindly over the plastic lid of his coffee cup, wondering if he’d just seen what he thought he’d seen.
Ahead, Frank kept walking a few steps before realizing he was alone. He spun, the spikes of his highlighted hair refusing to move in the mild breeze that kept the sunny street somewhat cool. “Hey?”
Justin heard him but couldn’t be bothered acknowledge the words. He snapped around, eagerly searching for… Oh yes! The hind view of the vision of loveliness that had just passed by him. Slightly rumpled charcoal slacks loosely framed a fine little derriere and an equally rumpled ice gray button-down draped slim shoulders. Waved hair the color of good French Roast almost brushed said shoulders.
“Justin, what are you…?”
Barely hearing his friend, Justin raced back down the sidewalk, nearly spilling his coffee in his rush to catch up to a wet dream come to life. He nearly ran over a guy on roller blades and just avoided getting wrapped up in a micro dog’s leash, but he finally made it to the vison’s side. He reached out to wrap a hand around an arm. Nice, he thought, feeling the biceps. Slim, but firm.
Said vision halted and twisted a graceful neck over and up to face Justin.
Oh. My. God! Innocently seductive brown eyes kind of focused on Justin from beneath sinfully full black lashes. Confused eyes that blinked up at him, positively enchanting. Elegant and sleek, just like the rest of him, Latino somewhere in his lineage, judging by facial features and gold skin tone. There was an almost innocence in that face even though he was had to be in his mid-twenties, at least. Justin wanted to devour the generous lips that parted in surprise.
“I’ve just fallen in love with you,” Justin declared, cradling his coffee cup to his chest as he kept hold on the vision’s arm. “What is your name, and please tell me you’re gay?”
Available soon from Loose Id
This story was one of those organic ones. I won't say it was super-easy, because it wasn't, but it was born out of a scene that popped into my head one day. The scene, in fact, that is depicted below.
It's one of my "gay for you" stories, I'll confess. What can I say? I like the dynamic.
BLURB (subject to change):
Justin falls for Kevin the instant they pass each other on a sidewalk. Only, Kevin’s not gay. The higher ups at Kevin’s company are gay, however, and Kevin’s accidental meeting with Justin gives him an idea how to get around his controlling female supervisor. If he can gain access to the top men at an exclusive gay club, he might be able to finally share his ideas.
Justin instantly agrees to be his date, despite the obvious heartbreak that’s headed his way for going out with a straight man. At the club, Kevin gets a chance to meet the company owner, Victor Chen, and the man seems interested… both in his ideas and his date.
Kevin can’t deny his attraction to Justin, but he’s not gay. Right? He should step aside and let Justin have a chance to date Victor, who’s gorgeous, rich, and shares Justin’s interest in fashion. Despite his internal struggles, he really wants to explore their growing bond. Justin is certainly game, but a part of him knows they can’t have a future together. Is there more to their instant attraction than either suspect?
Mostly edited excerpt, ©2009 Jet Mykles, all rights reserved
“… and then I…” Justin stopped dead in his tracks in the middle of the sidewalk, forcing two chatting women to split up to go around him. Ignoring their mild glares as they passed, he stared blindly over the plastic lid of his coffee cup, wondering if he’d just seen what he thought he’d seen.
Ahead, Frank kept walking a few steps before realizing he was alone. He spun, the spikes of his highlighted hair refusing to move in the mild breeze that kept the sunny street somewhat cool. “Hey?”
Justin heard him but couldn’t be bothered acknowledge the words. He snapped around, eagerly searching for… Oh yes! The hind view of the vision of loveliness that had just passed by him. Slightly rumpled charcoal slacks loosely framed a fine little derriere and an equally rumpled ice gray button-down draped slim shoulders. Waved hair the color of good French Roast almost brushed said shoulders.
“Justin, what are you…?”
Barely hearing his friend, Justin raced back down the sidewalk, nearly spilling his coffee in his rush to catch up to a wet dream come to life. He nearly ran over a guy on roller blades and just avoided getting wrapped up in a micro dog’s leash, but he finally made it to the vison’s side. He reached out to wrap a hand around an arm. Nice, he thought, feeling the biceps. Slim, but firm.
Said vision halted and twisted a graceful neck over and up to face Justin.
Oh. My. God! Innocently seductive brown eyes kind of focused on Justin from beneath sinfully full black lashes. Confused eyes that blinked up at him, positively enchanting. Elegant and sleek, just like the rest of him, Latino somewhere in his lineage, judging by facial features and gold skin tone. There was an almost innocence in that face even though he was had to be in his mid-twenties, at least. Justin wanted to devour the generous lips that parted in surprise.
“I’ve just fallen in love with you,” Justin declared, cradling his coffee cup to his chest as he kept hold on the vision’s arm. “What is your name, and please tell me you’re gay?”
EXCERPT - Dark Elves VI: Awakening
(Original Blog Post:
Due out September 15, 2009 from Loose Id
Pairing: m/f; m/m; m/m/f; f/f; m/m/m/f
Available soon from Loose Id
So here it is, the last book of the main arc started in Dark Elves I: Taken. The children conceived in the first three books are now grown and ready to cause trouble. As a quick primer, Brevin is Salin and Diana's son, Lanthan is Krael and Suza's son, Tykir is Hyle and Gala's son, and Eryhaen is Savous and Irin's daughter. Not to mention there's this guy... from book three... who showed up in book five... yeah, we're dealing with him too.
BLURB (subject to change):
[coming soon because we're still working on it]
©2009 Jet Mykles, all rights reserved
Brevin’s left arm flew up, the long, slim dagger in reverse grip along his forearm to deflect Lanthan’s blade. As Lanthan began to twist away, Brevin brought up a fist, aiming for his gut. Lanthan was better than that, having spun into Brevin, catching him off guard enough so that when the smaller man’s ass rammed into his hips, he stumbled enough for Lanthan to grip his left arm and flip him head over heels. He ended flat on his back in the sand, stunned for those few precious seconds it took for Lanthan to drop to his knees and straddle Brevin’s chest, his blade at Brevin’s throat.
Lanthan’s grin was barely sane underneath the long fall of fringe that spilled over the wide band tied about his skull. “Got ya.”
Brevin snarled, fingers digging into the sand. But Lanthan’s knees pinned Brevin’s arms to the ground.
“Only because it’s left-handed.”
“No excuse,” said a deep voice overhead. “A skilled warrior fights equally well with both hands.”
Brevin closed his eyes. Lanthan’s father, Krael, was a cruel taskmaster, even in training. Especially in training. He wouldn’t accept any less than Brevin’s or Lanthan’s best even if they had just come back from battle. He wouldn’t let them have fun and just blow off steam as Brevin had hoped to do. Can’t he pay attention to the others? There were plenty of other trainees in the practice grounds for Krael to torture.
Lanthan laughed, easing up on Brevin’s throat. “Try again?”
Brevin had wondered if it was a good idea to spar so soon after their return, but after they’d left Tykir with the healers, he and Lanthan had been much too keyed up to stay in the dining hall or go to the pools. Tykir would be all right, but neither of them had truly believed it until the healer had said it himself.
“Yes.” Brevin snatched his right arm up from under Lanthan’s left knee and swung it in a roundhouse toward his friend’s head. As he’d fully expected, Lanthan shied right and back so the punch missed. Weapons dropped in the sand, they tussled, the two of them grappling until Brevin’s greater bulk won out and he had Lanthan pinned underneath him. Lanthan could barely catch his breath for laughing, his cheek pressed to the sand with one arm trapped underneath him and the other held between them by Brevin. Glistening black skin stretched over the taut muscles as Lanthan struggled underneath his weight. Brevin breathed over the closely shorn hair on his friend’s neck.
Pairing: m/f; m/m; m/m/f; f/f; m/m/m/f
Available soon from Loose Id
So here it is, the last book of the main arc started in Dark Elves I: Taken. The children conceived in the first three books are now grown and ready to cause trouble. As a quick primer, Brevin is Salin and Diana's son, Lanthan is Krael and Suza's son, Tykir is Hyle and Gala's son, and Eryhaen is Savous and Irin's daughter. Not to mention there's this guy... from book three... who showed up in book five... yeah, we're dealing with him too.
BLURB (subject to change):
[coming soon because we're still working on it]
©2009 Jet Mykles, all rights reserved
Brevin’s left arm flew up, the long, slim dagger in reverse grip along his forearm to deflect Lanthan’s blade. As Lanthan began to twist away, Brevin brought up a fist, aiming for his gut. Lanthan was better than that, having spun into Brevin, catching him off guard enough so that when the smaller man’s ass rammed into his hips, he stumbled enough for Lanthan to grip his left arm and flip him head over heels. He ended flat on his back in the sand, stunned for those few precious seconds it took for Lanthan to drop to his knees and straddle Brevin’s chest, his blade at Brevin’s throat.
Lanthan’s grin was barely sane underneath the long fall of fringe that spilled over the wide band tied about his skull. “Got ya.”
Brevin snarled, fingers digging into the sand. But Lanthan’s knees pinned Brevin’s arms to the ground.
“Only because it’s left-handed.”
“No excuse,” said a deep voice overhead. “A skilled warrior fights equally well with both hands.”
Brevin closed his eyes. Lanthan’s father, Krael, was a cruel taskmaster, even in training. Especially in training. He wouldn’t accept any less than Brevin’s or Lanthan’s best even if they had just come back from battle. He wouldn’t let them have fun and just blow off steam as Brevin had hoped to do. Can’t he pay attention to the others? There were plenty of other trainees in the practice grounds for Krael to torture.
Lanthan laughed, easing up on Brevin’s throat. “Try again?”
Brevin had wondered if it was a good idea to spar so soon after their return, but after they’d left Tykir with the healers, he and Lanthan had been much too keyed up to stay in the dining hall or go to the pools. Tykir would be all right, but neither of them had truly believed it until the healer had said it himself.
“Yes.” Brevin snatched his right arm up from under Lanthan’s left knee and swung it in a roundhouse toward his friend’s head. As he’d fully expected, Lanthan shied right and back so the punch missed. Weapons dropped in the sand, they tussled, the two of them grappling until Brevin’s greater bulk won out and he had Lanthan pinned underneath him. Lanthan could barely catch his breath for laughing, his cheek pressed to the sand with one arm trapped underneath him and the other held between them by Brevin. Glistening black skin stretched over the taut muscles as Lanthan struggled underneath his weight. Brevin breathed over the closely shorn hair on his friend’s neck.
Thursday, September 03, 2009
New Cover Goodness - Just For You
(Original Blog Post:
Isn’t it lovely? And it’s PERFECT for the story!
Title is Just For You. More about Justin and Kevin soon.
Gorgeous cover art by PL Nunn
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