Due to be released February or March 2010 from MLR Press
Pairing: m/m
The powers that be at MLR Press asked for it and I, weak as I am, agreed to do a sequel to About Something.
Turns out life as a drag queen isn’t what Shawn thought it would be. He loves the costumes and dressing up, but he’s found he’s better suited to performing from a script than vamping onstage. Too bad Shawn figured this out long after breaking up with Roscoe when his bossy director boyfriend told him he didn’t have what it would take.
Two years later, Shawn may not be wildly happy but he’s content. That is until Roscoe shows up to ask him to reprise his role as Beatrice in Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing. Roscoe is as magnetic as he’s always been and the spark between them is still burning bright.
When Roscoe turns on the charm for a more personal reunion, can Shawn resist? Does he even want to?
© 2010 Jet Mykles, all rights reserved
Roscoe folded his forearms on the bar before him, one of his elbows brushing Shawn’s. “It’s a paying gig. Equity. You could get your card.”
“Aha.” Shawn took a sip of his drink, keeping his eyes on the bar. “I get it.”
“Get what?”
“Why are you showing up, out of the blue, with an offer?”
Some of their audience had drifted away, but Shawn had no doubt those who remained would spread the word.
Didn’t seem like Roscoe cared who heard. “I told you. I need you. Play’s not the same without you.”
“Why that play?”
“I like that play.”
“You going to call Bonnie in California to come play Benedick?”
When there was no answer, he slanted his gaze at the other man.
Roscoe stared at the array of bottles on the mirrored wall behind the bar. He shook his head, not smiling now. “No.”
“What? You don’t think she did great?”
“I do, and you know it.”
“Right.” He took a healthy drink then carefully set his glass down. “But you weren’t sleeping with her.”
Ever aware of his performance, on and off stage, Roscoe gave it a beat, turned to face Shawn then sat back, putting some distance between them. “My offer is sincere, regardless of our past.”
“I’m sure the offer’s sincere. But it doesn’t make anything that happened between us right.”