Thursday, October 02, 2008

Yaoicon report

Sorry guys, it's taken me a few days to get my life/mind back together. As you may know, I attended Yaoicon in San Francisco last week. Had a good time.

Forgot my camera so I thank my good friends Jade, James and Luisa for allowing me to post a few pics of theirs on my site:

The very best single thing that happened all week happened in the first few minutes of Saturday after we'd opened the booth. Imagine my surprise to look up and see someone standing there dressed as one of MY characters!! It was too damn cool!

I met a lot of wonderful people. Thank you to those who came by to say hi, with an additional thank you to those who bought my books :D Much appreciated.

Loved seeing my author buddies again. It was a whirlwind week, though, so I didn't get to spend much time with them outside of the vendor room. But that's okay. We'll get together again soon.

OH! If you go look at the pictures, do pause to appreciate Tall, Dark and Yummy. He was SO very hot! (continue reading &aquo;)

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