Sunday, July 19, 2009

Conference is over

(Original Blog Post:
And I think it went well. I, personally, wasn't terribly productive but I'm pretty sure others were.

Jade Buchanan kicked ass as the Rainbow Romance Writer president. She met everyone -- or so it seemed to me -- and made sure she touched base with all the members she could. Looks like RRW weathered its first RWA pretty well. And Jade made lots of contacts for herself, of course, which is all good.

Ally Blue met the president (or equivalent) of the local Lamda chapter at a restaurant down the street from the hotel, so that was pretty cool.

I finally met Anne Cain. That was cool! I finally have a face to put with the excellent artwork. Talked to Treva Harte and a bunch of cool Loose Id authors at a delicious Lebanese restaurant. Met LB Gregg aka Lisabea and we had some good laughs. I met a lot of other great people and (if you're reading) I'm so sorry I don't remember all the names. I must admit to being a tad spacy during much of this weekend. Must be the bright purple hair *sage nod*

All in all, good fun even if I didn't do the networking I was supposed to. Ally and I discovered that DC -- at least the part we were in -- is crawling with gorgeous men! OMG, there were too many of them to properly process the hottness. Eye candy all over the place and, I've been assured by someone who lives here, probably most of them are gay *dies*

Not sure if I'll go to Nashville next year but who knows? I wasn't going to go to this one either. We'll have to see what happens between now and then.

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