Monday, December 07, 2009

Nera and the Prince - 7

(Original Blog Post:
Poor Nera. Quite a status she's been given, but has the sharif made her life better or worse?

WARNING: lighter non-con and a little bit of m/m


AidenRyun led the way back to his rooms, Aiden following with Nera bundled underneath his arm. No one spoke and Nera suspected Ryun's angry presence was what cut a swath through the people in the corridors.

Miyn was there when they entered but wisely stayed silent and melted aside as Ryun stormed through the door. As he angrily yanked off his jerkin and boots, Aiden led Nera to sit on the wide bed. Aiden remained quiet and wouldn't meet her gaze as he slid the cloak from her shoulders. He did reach up to smooth her loose hair and gave her a small, sympathetic pat on the shoulder as he rose and turned to face his master.

"Why wasn't she branded?" In an explosion of movement, Ryun grabbed Miyn by the neck and slammed her against the wall.

Nera's whimper was louder than Miyn's and only Aiden's hand on her shoulder kept her from leaping toward the other woman.

"My lord, I'm sorry." Miyn's voice was strangled, her body pliant.

Aiden stepped forward. "Ryun, stop."

His use of Ryun's given name startled Nera but not anyone else.

Ryun glared over his shoulder at the other man. "It's all her fault."

Read more on my website

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